Clinical & Expt’l Trial Assays
In-house RIA.
Using our suite of previously developed in-house radioimmunoassays, we are able to analyze your clinical trial samples or preclinical experimental samples. We have RIAs for determining:- Plasma Renin Activity (PRA), Plasma Renin Concentration (PRC), Tissue renin, angiotensin-I, angiotensin-II, angiotensin(1-7), vasopressin (AVP), atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), ppANP, urinary (human and rat) albumin. Our assays are generally robust and can measure in almost any species. Once fresh tracer is made and a standard curve set up, we can use our unlimited reagents to analyze thousands of samples for just $15 per sample. There are no RIA kit costs. All samples are assayed in duplicate against a full range (8 doubling steps) of standards in duplicate. Results are returned in a spreadsheet within a few days. Fifty years experience in RIA places our lab among the most reliable supporting the medical research community in this specialist field.
Kit RIAs in-house.
We are happy to offer our RIA lab’s expertise for analysis of any hormone etc. Often we analize for Aldosterone, Insulin, Cortisol, Melatonin (6 OH S metabolite) and many more, as long as the customer is happy to purchase the kit. We can even source the kit ourselves passing our discounted rate on to you.
Your Assay in our Lab.
If you have expectations of a large number of assays and it would be financially non-viable to purchase kits, you should consider our next offer – to develop our own in-house assay for your analyte and pass the savings for very large projects on to you. Perhaps you have already started on an assay and just need help to refine it. Fifty years of experience in assay development makes us the experts in custom assays.
Custom Assay Development
With 50 years experience in developing radioimmunoassays for drugs, hormones and growth factors for medical research in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, infection etc. ProSearch is well placed for doing custom work for the clinical and experimental research community and drug companies. Radioimmunoassay is a highly specialized technique using the sensitivity of detecting specifically labelled molecules by their radioactive signaling and with the specificity of antibody recognition. No other technique to this day can measure picogram quantities (one millionth of one millionth of a gram) of substance with less than 0.01% cross reactivity to a poly peptide varying by only 1 amino acid (e.g. the specificity of our Angiotensin II RIA to Angiotensin(1-7). There is a need for this degree of specificity when assessing the activity status of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and the sensitivity when presented with only 20 µL of mice plasma.
If you see the need for an assay for a drug, peptide, antibody or other substance, whether it be in plasma or tissue, of man or mouse, you should ask us about our ability to devise a method to measure it. We can raise an antibody (we are renowned for our exceptional antibodies), radiolabel the antigen, develop the assay to optimum sensitivity or precision, validate the assay in terms of collection protocol, stability of analyte, inter- and intra- assay variation, and hand over the assay with all documentation of performance, methods manuals etc.
ProSearch is essentially here to support the medical research community in any way it can. Our interests stem mainly from hypertension, diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases only because of historical involvement. We are happy to expand our application to any area of medical research but our focus is research, medical, measurement, peptides, cardiovascular, immunoassay, radioimmunoassay and radioligands.
Our association can be collaborative (e.g. grant sharing) or as a confidential service but as a privately funded facility we must recoup our running and infrastructure costs. Please contact us if you think we can help your research efforts.